Among healers the sharing of energy is referred to as cording. This cord represents life support tubing energetically connecting two individuals together. Babies are born with a cord attaching them to their mothers, this is natural. But there comes a time for a mother to cut the apron strings, allowing her child to go out into the world on its own. We were not meant to be sucking up other people's energy.
It is helpful when one can recognize the person who is taking energy from another. It can actually only be done, if the person they are taking from, agrees to it on some level. Freedom comes when one stops projecting ones own fear of powerlessness onto others, blaming them and victimizing ones self.
Permission to give or take does not need to be granted on a conscious individualized basis. It comes from an underlying attitude about giving and taking.
Experiences in life all include give and take in varying degrees and mirror back to where one is on the spectrum selfishness and selflessness. Selfishness and self-centeredness are generally viewed as undesirable traits. Selflessness is usually viewed positively. Both require balancing.
Those who give selflessly without balance can become doormats or martyrs or may "kill with kindness". They may find it difficult to say "No." Those who take without thought are often very kind people who have learned inappropriate ways to get energy. They may also be obviously selfish and thoughtless of others. These are examples of opposite ends of the spectrum. Most of people sit somewhere closer to the middle and as with all living things, abilities and balance fluctuate.
The giver's attitude of willingness creates an opening that enables a taker to connect to the giver. Connecting to each other, although generally unseen, literally creates a physical connection that one just can not see with the naked eye. The Hunas have spoken about these connecting "cords" for centuries. More recently Phyllis Krystal, a therapist from California, has developed a technique called Cutting the Ties That Bind, a method of working with or cutting serious ties that prevent us from being us.
If one suspects being are a giver - one must become clear in the reality of playing a role in the experience and that one is no longer willing to do so. Saying firmly and clearly to one´s self "No one else can have my energy. My need to give is fulfilled through healthy means, through conscious decision" One should also forgive everyone involved, including ones self.
If one is a taker one must become clear in new unwillingness to play that role. Learning how to receive all the energy one needs in healthy ways: from the earth, from the air, from being connected to one`s self and the universe, thus other people, through love.
Whether one is a giver or a taker, the practice and awareness is necessary. One will learn to recognize physical sensations that go along with someone connecting to ones energy flow. It can be felt as light-headedness and dizziness, or it may be different. Paying attention to what the body is saying is useful. Both the giver and taker are simply trying to have their needs met. Both are seeking balance. Both have complete control over the situation through managing their own attitudes lovingly.
There is also another way, a way where one can have a constant energy flow and abundance of energy. It is a way, an option that is written about on this blog in the article: Inner joy and happiness.
There is also another way, a way where one can have a constant energy flow and abundance of energy. It is a way, an option that is written about on this blog in the article: Inner joy and happiness.
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