As already written in the previous post: Fear is an automatic disconnector from one`s self and the universe. So that said one is automatically on autopilot, once one becomes afraid, or let`s say on ego-pilot, unconscious and oblivious of what is really happening, wrapped in an ego`s illusion of reality.
The simple definition of illusion is "not perceiving things as they really are". Perception itself is an illusory device, because we never perceive anything as it actually is. We could say that reality is merely different configurations of vibrating energy in a quantum flux. How we view that reality will always be in distortion. Then there are psychological illusions that only exist to the perceiver, such as fear. Fear in it`s essence is an energy pattern usually in the mind of the perceiver.
The simple definition of illusion is "not perceiving things as they really are". Perception itself is an illusory device, because we never perceive anything as it actually is. We could say that reality is merely different configurations of vibrating energy in a quantum flux. How we view that reality will always be in distortion. Then there are psychological illusions that only exist to the perceiver, such as fear. Fear in it`s essence is an energy pattern usually in the mind of the perceiver.
Let us look at fear more closely. How is fear perceived?
Fear is a distressing negative sensation induced by a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in a response to a specific stimulus, that is external or internal, meaning without any action made by the outside world at the present time or otherwise.
In the most basic function, the only constructive function, is one that comes from us being natural beings that once lived in nature, exposed to the elements and other animals: fear is the ability to recognize danger and flee from it, or confront it, also known as the fight or flight response, an instant reaction to something presently happening and necessary for our physical survival.
Fear can be widely classified into two types: external fear and internal fear.
Emotional fears are very destructive in nature and not only that they disconnect one from one`s own true essence, but also one is only able to perceive the world through the egoic mind, thus one feeds one`s ego and is in a way smothering and killing one`s own true essence in the process. The main symptoms are a need to "have", a need for "power", a need of "satisfaction", "worry", "anxiety", "terror", "horror", "panic", and "dread", that happen when one identifies one`s self with the emotion of fear, meaning that one becomes fear and there is nothing left for one to be an actuall person, being. To identify, as already said in other post, means to make something same and identifications are all constructed to feed one`s ego, that can never have enough and always needs more. It can also result in different kinds of physical disease when the homeostatic equilibrium is out of balance for long periods of time, especially when one has unresolved emotional fear that one avoids in a way of suppressing it into the subconscious.
If, for example, one is abused as a child in some form or another (even emotionally), one learns in the early childhood that people can not be trusted, or in other words one develops a fear of people in some way or the other, one experiences this as distrust of people, even a constant distrust of people one knows well and that have never showed any real cause for the distrust (cause that is outside of the illusory perception of one being distrustful), which is an illusion, or a delusion. A delusion is a belief that is either mistaken or not substantiated that is held with vehemence. Everything that is a fear based illusion ends up being destructive to one`s self and others and it disconnect one`s self, thus one is not able to perceive true joy and happiness in one`s life.
“If you can imagine this, perhaps you can understand someone from another planet, who came to visit us and would have a similar experience with humans."
But it isn`t our skin that is diseased, it is the human mind that is sick with the disease called fear and labeling (that derieved out of fear and laziness) . Fear produces illusions, delusions, thus the blindness and blindness produces fear, doesn`t it? Being afraid of that which we can not see is very logical isn`t it? Fear is also based on illusions, on something that may or may not happen, but because we symplified everything, we can`t really be sure, can we? Because we do not see the essence, the truth, we actually have no idea what is really going on. We base our life decisions on illusions. we do not even ask our surroundings for feedback, to confirm that the illusion we have made is even a functional representation of the essence. We are so sure in our illusions that we judge, blame and even kill, yes even kill, before we ask questions, before we have even a shadow of a doubt. Isn`t that interesting? Fear produced by illusions has us doubting everything around us, except the illusion which is buy itself a doubtful entity. The manifestations of the disease caused by believing in the illusion of assumptions and fear are: anger, hate, sadness, envy and hypocrisy....thus the suffering.
When one becomes disconnected because of fear, one does not feel one`s self and is not connected to the essence of one`s self and life. In this state one can not feel others, other beings, can not feel love, can not give love and can not receive love and can not feel compassion. One can only be destructive to self (the essence, the being) and the environment and feels others as something separate from self (egoic self), and as potential obstacles in the path of one`s happiness. There are off course obstacles to one`s own happiness in this case, but they are not external, they are internal, derived from one`s own illusions. This are the main points where one can apply awareness, so that one knows that the disconnection has occurred and that one is definitely not feeling one`s self and is most probably destructive, thus producing negative energy and creative a hell like reality.
When one identifies with fear and disconnects, one feels powerless, so the ego steps in to fill the void. One way can be through avoidance, (usually accompanied with some form of emotional violence towards others) but because nothing gets resolved the problem persists and the world of the individual and the activities one feels safe doing are lesser and lesser, so one puts one`s self in a box, so to speak. Few of the ways of filling up the void, that are the most destructive is through control or obtaining power from or over other beings (human or otherwise) in order to feel safe, which is done through manipulation and different forms of violence: emotional, verbal, psychological, physical, sexual, economical, etc. It is important to know that every act with intent (conscious or unconscious) that belittles and makes one feel and seem "less" is a form of violence a manifestation of the ego filling up the void of the illusion of, in this case "safety", through making somebody else even smaller and even more powerless. The less energy one can get from the natural way, one has to supplement the shortage with egoic power, with the destructive ways just described, that are actually energy from others.
Fear, emotional or otherwise is a sign that something has to be learned in order to progress, it has a tendency of repeating a situation in one`s life over and over, until one learns and inner growth happens, that is freeing. Fear is something to know, understand, observe and it is not meant to be avoided, because when avoidance is the choice, one becomes a slave and one`s universe becomes smaller and smaller. It is important not to identify and become one`s fear, because an energy pattern in the mind of the perceiver becomes destructive and closed to the life`s energy, one is than closed and the fear overcomes one`s own realty. When one stays fully present with fear, one can clearly see that fear is something separate, it is an emotion, a message, and at the same time one can feel the essence of one`s self (staying connected to the life`s flow) and observes everything about the sensation of fear, without identifying with it: it`s texture, bodily sensation, color even, how it arises, how it dissolves, what thoughts it generates, what actions one takes, how it is denied, etc. One goes into the fear experience to learn about one`s self, to find the truth behind the emotion. The saying "The truth shall set you free" than speaks for itself. Avoiding is the fear itself. Only awareness without identification, through observation dispels it, and thus one stays connected to one`s self and is able to be constructive, with positive energy. The truth behind the emotions, knowing one`s illusions , how they work, how to go about learning from them, means having liberated one`s self from fear and avoidance and freeing one`s self to be able to be connected. That is the only true way to find inner joy and happiness in ones life.
Fear and other emotions are merely the instruments that show us a path to inner joy and happiness and are not something to be afraid of, or avoided all together. They are there for one`s realization where one is not aware enough and possibly is doing things in an unconscious and automatic way, so observation and awareness is needed and exploration of that what one is meant to learn in order to progress and be in coherence with one`s essence and the universe. One can not learn and change that of which one is not aware of, the only thing that shows us the way are signs that manifest through emotions and reveal the workings of one`s own egoic mind that are in a fact parts that are blocked for life`s energy flow.
One can choose to be connected with one`s essence, thus the universe. If a "problem" comes up, one can be aware that: "All is well", everything is working out for the highest good. Out of the experience only good can come, when one is aware and observes and learns about one`s self. By being aware of the reality: "I am safe", one can calm down and start to answer the question: "What is it, that I am supposed to learn from this experience at hand?" and one will learn in the best possible way for all and bring personal and universal growth and also freedom to one`s self. Life is joy.
- External fear is caused by something outside of one`s self
- Internal fear is something inside of one`s self that one links a negative emotion of fear with, for example: fear developed out of low self esteem.
Emotional fears are very destructive in nature and not only that they disconnect one from one`s own true essence, but also one is only able to perceive the world through the egoic mind, thus one feeds one`s ego and is in a way smothering and killing one`s own true essence in the process. The main symptoms are a need to "have", a need for "power", a need of "satisfaction", "worry", "anxiety", "terror", "horror", "panic", and "dread", that happen when one identifies one`s self with the emotion of fear, meaning that one becomes fear and there is nothing left for one to be an actuall person, being. To identify, as already said in other post, means to make something same and identifications are all constructed to feed one`s ego, that can never have enough and always needs more. It can also result in different kinds of physical disease when the homeostatic equilibrium is out of balance for long periods of time, especially when one has unresolved emotional fear that one avoids in a way of suppressing it into the subconscious.
If, for example, one is abused as a child in some form or another (even emotionally), one learns in the early childhood that people can not be trusted, or in other words one develops a fear of people in some way or the other, one experiences this as distrust of people, even a constant distrust of people one knows well and that have never showed any real cause for the distrust (cause that is outside of the illusory perception of one being distrustful), which is an illusion, or a delusion. A delusion is a belief that is either mistaken or not substantiated that is held with vehemence. Everything that is a fear based illusion ends up being destructive to one`s self and others and it disconnect one`s self, thus one is not able to perceive true joy and happiness in one`s life.
Don Miguel Ruitz wrote: “I want you to imagine that you live on a planet where everyone has a skin disease. For thousands of years people have suffered the same disease. Their entire bodies are covered by wound that are infected, and they really hurt when you touch them. Of course people of this planet believe this is a normal physiology of the skin. Even the medical books describe this disease as a normal condition. When the people are born, their skin is healthy, but around three or four years of age, the first wounds start to appear. By the time they are teenagers, there are wounds all over their bodies. Can you imagine how these people are going to threat each other? In order to relate to one another they have to protect their wounds. They hardly ever touch each other`s skin, because it is too painful. If by accident you touch someone`s skin, it is so painful that right away that person gets angry and touches your skin, just to get even. Still the instinct of love is so strong that people on the planet pay a high price to have relationships with others. Can you imagine yourself with healthy skin in a world where everyone has a skin disease? You can not touch others because it hurts them, and no one touches you, because they make the assumption that it will hurt you.”
But it isn`t our skin that is diseased, it is the human mind that is sick with the disease called fear and labeling (that derieved out of fear and laziness) . Fear produces illusions, delusions, thus the blindness and blindness produces fear, doesn`t it? Being afraid of that which we can not see is very logical isn`t it? Fear is also based on illusions, on something that may or may not happen, but because we symplified everything, we can`t really be sure, can we? Because we do not see the essence, the truth, we actually have no idea what is really going on. We base our life decisions on illusions. we do not even ask our surroundings for feedback, to confirm that the illusion we have made is even a functional representation of the essence. We are so sure in our illusions that we judge, blame and even kill, yes even kill, before we ask questions, before we have even a shadow of a doubt. Isn`t that interesting? Fear produced by illusions has us doubting everything around us, except the illusion which is buy itself a doubtful entity. The manifestations of the disease caused by believing in the illusion of assumptions and fear are: anger, hate, sadness, envy and hypocrisy....thus the suffering.
When one becomes disconnected because of fear, one does not feel one`s self and is not connected to the essence of one`s self and life. In this state one can not feel others, other beings, can not feel love, can not give love and can not receive love and can not feel compassion. One can only be destructive to self (the essence, the being) and the environment and feels others as something separate from self (egoic self), and as potential obstacles in the path of one`s happiness. There are off course obstacles to one`s own happiness in this case, but they are not external, they are internal, derived from one`s own illusions. This are the main points where one can apply awareness, so that one knows that the disconnection has occurred and that one is definitely not feeling one`s self and is most probably destructive, thus producing negative energy and creative a hell like reality.
When one identifies with fear and disconnects, one feels powerless, so the ego steps in to fill the void. One way can be through avoidance, (usually accompanied with some form of emotional violence towards others) but because nothing gets resolved the problem persists and the world of the individual and the activities one feels safe doing are lesser and lesser, so one puts one`s self in a box, so to speak. Few of the ways of filling up the void, that are the most destructive is through control or obtaining power from or over other beings (human or otherwise) in order to feel safe, which is done through manipulation and different forms of violence: emotional, verbal, psychological, physical, sexual, economical, etc. It is important to know that every act with intent (conscious or unconscious) that belittles and makes one feel and seem "less" is a form of violence a manifestation of the ego filling up the void of the illusion of, in this case "safety", through making somebody else even smaller and even more powerless. The less energy one can get from the natural way, one has to supplement the shortage with egoic power, with the destructive ways just described, that are actually energy from others.
Fear, emotional or otherwise is a sign that something has to be learned in order to progress, it has a tendency of repeating a situation in one`s life over and over, until one learns and inner growth happens, that is freeing. Fear is something to know, understand, observe and it is not meant to be avoided, because when avoidance is the choice, one becomes a slave and one`s universe becomes smaller and smaller. It is important not to identify and become one`s fear, because an energy pattern in the mind of the perceiver becomes destructive and closed to the life`s energy, one is than closed and the fear overcomes one`s own realty. When one stays fully present with fear, one can clearly see that fear is something separate, it is an emotion, a message, and at the same time one can feel the essence of one`s self (staying connected to the life`s flow) and observes everything about the sensation of fear, without identifying with it: it`s texture, bodily sensation, color even, how it arises, how it dissolves, what thoughts it generates, what actions one takes, how it is denied, etc. One goes into the fear experience to learn about one`s self, to find the truth behind the emotion. The saying "The truth shall set you free" than speaks for itself. Avoiding is the fear itself. Only awareness without identification, through observation dispels it, and thus one stays connected to one`s self and is able to be constructive, with positive energy. The truth behind the emotions, knowing one`s illusions , how they work, how to go about learning from them, means having liberated one`s self from fear and avoidance and freeing one`s self to be able to be connected. That is the only true way to find inner joy and happiness in ones life.
Fear and other emotions are merely the instruments that show us a path to inner joy and happiness and are not something to be afraid of, or avoided all together. They are there for one`s realization where one is not aware enough and possibly is doing things in an unconscious and automatic way, so observation and awareness is needed and exploration of that what one is meant to learn in order to progress and be in coherence with one`s essence and the universe. One can not learn and change that of which one is not aware of, the only thing that shows us the way are signs that manifest through emotions and reveal the workings of one`s own egoic mind that are in a fact parts that are blocked for life`s energy flow.
One can choose to be connected with one`s essence, thus the universe. If a "problem" comes up, one can be aware that: "All is well", everything is working out for the highest good. Out of the experience only good can come, when one is aware and observes and learns about one`s self. By being aware of the reality: "I am safe", one can calm down and start to answer the question: "What is it, that I am supposed to learn from this experience at hand?" and one will learn in the best possible way for all and bring personal and universal growth and also freedom to one`s self. Life is joy.