The Energetic World In And Around Us
There really is plenty of evidence that we live in an energetic world. Even if you look at the world through the eyes of a quantum physicist, everything is constantly exchanging sub-atomic particles back and forth... and string theory tells us that at the most subtle levels everything is multidimensional vibration. That has an erie similarity to what the shamans, yogis, and mystics have been telling us for centuries.
- We live in a world of constantly interacting energy fields
- We ourselves have a human energy fields
- Our physical bodies decend from energy
- What effects our subtle energy has a dramatic influence on us
So Why Can't We See It
If human energy fields exist why can't people generally perceive them? Actually, it's just a matter of training. Most people can't perceive the difference between a masterpiece work of art and an extremely good copy. Yet, a trained art expert can perceive the difference quite easily. It's really the same for the human energy field. Trained practioners can actually see the fields of energy including the acupuncture points. But what can you do if you haven't received the proper training or been gifted with the raw talent?
Resonance and Dissonance
Actually, there is a simple technique based on the concepts of energetic resonance and dissonance. The idea that you can resonate with something is already common in western language. The basic idea is that when you do energetically resonate with something you are better or stronger. On the other hand, if you are in a state of dissonance, you are worse or weaker. Taken literally, if you are in a state of resonance with something your muscles will be stronger, but if you are in a state of dissonance with something your muscles will be weaker. The truth of this proposition is well established in chiropractic practice and theory and has become known as kinesiology or, more commonly, as muscle testing.
There are different forms and techniques of muscle testing. Many chiropractors know very specific muscle tests to check the alignment of each individual vertebra in the spine. However, there is a very simple technique that anyone can learn. Yet, this test is based on a very particular flow of subtle energy in the hand based on a very particular mudra from yoga. I believe this technique is much more sensitive to subtle energy in and around the human body that other techniques.
A simple muscle testing technique
This technique can be easily mastered with a little practice. It helps you to sense when things are resonant or dissonant with your energy body. The testing technique consists of inserting the index finger of the right hand into the loop formed by the thumb and ring finger of the left hand and using just the right amount of force to press the index finger down where the tips of the thumb and ring finger join.
If something is resonant, then the muscles in the thumb and ring ringer will be stronger and the pressure from the index finger will not cause the thumb and ring finger to seperate. Conversely, if something is dissonant, then the muscles will be weakened and the pressure from the right hand's index finger will cause the thumb and ring finger to separate.
A complete demonstration can be seen on the video
How To Use The Technique
This technique is very powerful because it can effectively test things impacting the physical body, the physical energy body, the emotional energy body, and the mental energy body. That means you can test your resonance or disonance with:
- Physical objects like foods, medicines, vitamins, and herbs
- Emotional feelings
- Ideas